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Instant Dismissal

Breaking ANY rule set forth by Gravity & Warpportal will instantly get you terminated from the clan, this includes botting, harassing players, scamming etc.


Our Rules:

All characters must farm 150k Clan Points a week. This is normally 7 Dungeon Runs a week, or 1 Dungeon a day. We fully expect our members to be active, if you're taking a break or plan to be absent please inform an officer so we know and don't remove you. 

Absolutely no threatening, hunting or PK'ing clan members. If you have an issue, report it to a Ranking Officer and they will investigate the complaint & handle it. 

If you are told to stop something that is considered in poor taste by a ranking officer, respect the request and stop. If you continue you will be warned. Further insubordination may result in a kick. [DM's Cannot order you to do something against the rules or to break our clan rules, but they may request you to cease activity considered ill mannered]


Alt Characters:

CM, DM's & Commanders: Maximum of 3 Characters in clan, unless cleared for special purpose by DM's.

Rookies, Veterans & Captains: Maximum of 2 Characters in clan. 


=Note: if your character is level 230, we expect EACH character to earn 150k CP a week!=

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